Pep Banned Blog

Information, Notes, and Fun

Save The Date!

We are thrilled that UVA has approved our request to film a reunion performance of the Pep Band on Grounds. This “last show” will be featured in the documentary Pep Banned. Here are the specifics:

November 11, 2023
10:00 am – 4:00 pm at Lambeth Field

(Rain Date: November 12, 2023)

The plan is to use the time to rehearse, perform the show, and conduct interviews for the film. We also hope to organize one or two other social gatherings over the weekend.

Please save the date, tell all of your Pep Band friends, and start doing your embouchure exercises. We need to get as many participants as possible so that those who can still play their instruments drown out those of us who can’t!

Stay tuned for more details. This is gonna be awesome!

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